RPL – Churchill Education vs the rest

Question: How are you different to other RPL providers?

Answer: We have nailed a system that makes gaining a qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) really straightforward. Basically, we do all the work for you!

It’s no secret that RPL can be a complex process. In fact, its complexity has earned it a less-than-fantastic reputation within many major colleges and Registered Training Organisations handing students an inch thick ream of paper that constitutes the RPL Kit. (Strange how they are more than happy to receive your hard earned funds for it though!)

So, rather than offer the full blown academic explanation of how the intricacies of how our unique RPL system works, we thought it may be helpful to explain it in another way.

Which way would you rather bake a cake?

Imagine you’ve been set a challenge. You must produce a professional standard culinary baked masterpiece for a competition in 28 days time. You’ve been given a budget of $200 in which to hire a company to help you do this and you have two options of whom to hire.

The first company will offer you the following service for your money:

They will give you some vague suggestions for ingredients you may need for a generic cake. Not the specific ingredients you would need for the cake you wish to bake, but some general hints on what cakes maybe made from.

They will provide you with a process. Not a recipe containing ingredients, but an unordered list of how a cake may be put together. This written process will be provided in a language that is quite unfamiliar to you (Spanish, perhaps)!

Find out what you’re eligible for

You will then be left to guess the ingredients and the process and turn up at the competition with an award winning cake on the deadline day.

We’ll do the RPL paperwork and process for you!

Now, if you like a challenge, you may wish to hand over your funds and jump headfirst into this guessing game (I mean, just how clever will you look if you DO pull an award winning cake out of the hat after many hours of Google Translate and visits to supermarkets waiting for the ingredients inspiration to hit.)

Or you could consider company number 2’s offering:

They will spend as much time as you need talking to you about what kind of cake you want to bake. They may even add some of their own suggestions (as these people are confectionary aficionados) along the lines of what you wish to create.

On agreeing a recipe to go for, they will provide you with a comprehensive list of ingredients you will need to buy. These will be tailored to your cake and what you can get in your local supermarket.

All they will do is get you to deliver the uncooked ingredients to them (and don’t worry, they’ll check that you have everything your cake will need and perhaps add in a few suggestions of extras that could make it even more outstanding).

They will then mix, weigh and bake the cake for you within your deadline. Their experience and full knowledge of the competition’s judging criteria means that the cake will definitely be competition winning.

All you do is receive the cake (as they’ll send this to you,) and turn up on the day.

Oh, and with your remaining ingredients they’ll suggest some other award winning treats they should be able to whisk up for you also!

Now we don’t know about you, but we prefer the idea of someone supporting you, giving you great tips and inspiration on what you need to achieve your goal, then actually doing the complex bit and putting it all together for you.

And that is why that’s exactly what we do with your RPL!

If you’d like to find out exactly how we can help you (and read something that isn’t about cakes), give us a call on 1300 793 002. We are always thrilled to hear from people who want to find out a little bit more about us. If you like, you can even start straight out with a free 20-minute skills consultation and come away with some solid information on the qualifications you could be walking away with, simply based on your life and work experience so far.

Diploma of Business (Specialisations)

Did you know that BSB50120 Diploma of Business is available in a number of specialisations to capture your unique experience?

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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