Thank A First Responder Day

Today (Wednesday 8 June, 2022) is Thank A First Responder Day. A day dedicated to giving gratitude to ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Thank you to our friends at Fortem Australia for creating this special day.

To our SES men and women to put lives back together after floods, storms and other natural disasters, we say THANK YOU.

To our paramedics who answer the call to countless emergency situations, we say THANK YOU.

To our police who look out for us on the streets, on the roads and behind the scenes, we say THANK YOU.

To our firefighters who face infernos to rescue people, pets and property, we say THANK YOU!

To our marine rescue teams and lifesavers who keep us safe in the water, we say THANK YOU.

To Australia’s 300,000 first responders and their families we say a very heartfelt THANK YOU for your service.

At Churchill Education, we are fortunate to work with many first responders, helping them to turn their extraordinary experience into qualifications that demonstrate the transferability of their skills across multiple industries:

Tracey Pelling – Police to Mining

“You know what? We do have transferrable skills and we really should be recognised for them.”

RPL graduate Tracey Pelling in a hard hat

Brett Baddock – Detective Inspector to Project Manager 

“People just saw me as this person that wears a blue uniform and drives around in a car, giving people speeding tickets, while in actual fact I might be running a $25 million procurement project. That bugged me, so I thought it was time that I got a project management qualification to certify that I had the skills in that area.”

Police inspector Brett Baddock in a suit

Jason Nelson – Surviving Stigma and Suicide

“I’m really thankful, and I applaud Churchill for sharing these stories, because they can inspire others.”

police man with family

Read more first responder stories here. 


If like Tracey, Brett, Jason and countless others you would like to transform your service into nationally recognised qualifications, we encourage you to apply for a free Recognition of Prior Learning assessment and find out what you are eligible for. (You will also receive an extra $700 of value when you enrol in June with our EOFY Bonus!


Diploma of Business (Specialisations)

Did you know that BSB50120 Diploma of Business is available in a number of specialisations to capture your unique experience?

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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